One thing
there lesbians?
One thing
there lesbians?
only 1 problem
the one problem is that your stick guy is on a top layer somehow and when u begin to 'shake' the gun barrel his head is on top. thats the only thing wrong w/ this besides not being a flash movie
i wish i had a tablet :( :( haha
i gave u a 5 cause the first review i saw said this would fuel nG points haha watever that wats good.
I suggest Amazon. The one I have is the Intuous 3 from Wacom.
I luv you wacom <3
1 prob
y was the CS team-awping ?
Credits. Read them.
haha DBZ so true
hahah that dbz skit is sooooo fuckin true. they do absoluting nothing in 90% of those shows, i stopped watchin 1/2 way thru the frieza 'battle' aka bitchy word fight 555555555555
words cannot describe
how awesome that was. horay for you. 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
only 1 prob
when the guy tries 2 break the glass, then he ends up going outside, you should hav reversed the cracks on the glass you kno? cause it looked like rocks came outa no where when in fact he jsut went out side, watever thats about it
5 thats all that needs 2 be said
Erm...Thanks for the input! I guess. And the 5. =D
aka front page material
even better than the 1st one sorta reminded me of king kong in a whay w/ the lizards and such. that rockd i lov u
yae dude
Joined on 10/23/05